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Your future career path.


Full-time and part-time employees receive prorated vacation benefits based on the number of hours paid during the previous twelve months.


Resistance Security strives to promote qualified employees and encourages its employees to prepare themselves for positions of greater responsibility in the company. Promotions are based on merit by an evaluation of an employee’s record in a variety of areas including, but not limited to, job performance, knowledge and skill, experience, leadership ability, and attendance.

Group Insurance Benefits

Resistance Security is sensitive to the welfare of its employees and their families; therefore, a medical/dental/life insurance plan may be offered to employees, based on contract details.

Make a Difference

To join our team, please contact us by completing the form.

Resistance Security Benefits

  • Pay Increase
  • Promotions
  • Direct Deposit
  • Holidays
  • Vacations
  • Employee Referral Program
  • Awards and Recognition